State of the Blog: One Month After

It's been a little under a month since I started this blog as somewhere to give my two favorites teams some additional coverage online. It has been a blast and I will continue to produce content. I just wanted to provide any curious readers a bit of a heads-up on the summer schedule and my plans for the future.

First off, the off-season for both teams covered is approaching. Here's what I WILL guarantee. You will get at the very least two articles a week during the off-season, but the general standard will be three each week. The goal will be one Liverpool, one Michigan, and one 'wild card' article. If anything big happens, things like confirmed transfers or recruit signings or schedule releases, there will absolutely be an article for these big events.

Additionally, I would likely to expand my coverage. I have plans to attend in-person multiple AFC Ann Arbor games and would love to provide recaps and game reports from them. Likewise, I would like to definitely do a Horizon League season as well as a Detroit Mercy specific preview. Over the summer I would like to cover these teams in that 'wild card' spot each week. Mid-major basketball, especially Detroit, is often skipped over in the state and I would love to provide content about them in what will certainly be an intriguing year.

So in summary, nothing much is really changing. I just wanted to let you all know where my schedule stood and because of a busier summer in my life, and the summer leading to a lack of games in both major sports covered here, other sports will be spotlighted in the meantime.

Finally, just a massive thank you to anyone who has ever read an article of mine or liked a Tweet or interacted with me on this online platform. It's only been a month but even a handful of people reading something I've written is truly an honor. I hope you all stick with me. Tweet at me @RMABTweets with any content ideas or thoughts, I'd love to hear them!
